0 bed

0 bathroom
- Development Opportunity
- 2 Plots
- Sold With Planning Permission
2 Residential Plots available for sale - £150,000 per plot (no services to the plots)
Planning Reference: DM/23/01137/RM | Reserved Matters (All Matters) for 2no. Dwelling including new access. | Land At The North Of 1 Lanchester Road Maiden Law DH7 0QT
Planning expires within 3 years of approval from 8th October 2023
The services are all within easy reach of the plots and were identified during the topographical survey.
The total site is approximately 884 sqms.
Plot 1, to the left of the site from the road, is approximately 460 sqms.
Plot 2, to the right of the site from the road, is approximately 442m sqms.
The owners advise that there is a full project management team (Ashdan Consulting) already in place, who have consulted on the commission of the development plan, meaning this could be a ‘turn key’ project. Ashdan Consulting are also briefed and ready to project manage the services connections.
Photos represent CGI of the approved property